dualized services and supports that help people maintain paid employment in community business settings. Employment support services occur in integrated community settings.
In-home family support
Services provided to a person and his/her family (including extended family members) in the family’s home and/or in the community to enable the person to remain in or return to the home.
IHS Training
Training from a staff person to address the identified skill.
• Communication skills
• Community living and mobility
• Interpersonal skills
• Self-care
• Sensory/motor development involved in acquiring functional skills.
Holistic Services with Integrity
Independent Living Placement believes that quality care is provided by focusing on all areas of physical, mental, and chemical health.
In-Home and Residential Services
Our Independent Living Skills program will bring our professional staff to your door while our Residential setting provides a home with immersive services.
Contact Us
It is the mission of Independent Living Placement to provide our persons served with the skills and resources to achieve their goals.